Samsung Galaxy X - Finally Samsung announced about there upcoming Fold-able Device

Finally, Samsung announced about there upcoming foldable device which will be having flexible display that folds open into a 7 inch tablet.
Last Updated: January 12, 2017 9:45 AM PST

Samsung really worked hard on its much rumored foldable phone and could release such a handset in few years. The Engineers are still working on a phone with flexible display that will fold open into 7 inch tablet.( According to the Report of Korea Herald)
It is expected that they will ship more than 100,000 units during there third quarter. Sources are described as familiar with the matter prescribed in the newspaper.
Korea Based Samsung is initially focusing on the foldable device but they abandoned it early because of its concern that people will find it inconvenient as every time they want to use it they have to open it again again. ( Reported by herald)

As the smartphone market has cooled off in recent quarters, developed countries have reached a saturation point and the new models are largely incremented upgrades. Thats dinged samsung, even though they said they are expecting more respective performance in final quarter 2016.
Innovative designs or Amazing designs could help samsung to spark a new wave of consumer spending on a phone and expecting that it will worth it. And thereby samsung has done its job very well by releasing Galaxy S7 Edge thats wraps onto the sides of the device. But the clever tricks doesnt always work as in something LG Found out with the G5, A phone with snap on attachments enabled. But in this case, there is lots of advantages of foldable device as it is easy to carry as folding a device would give you a smaller and more portable package and it could essentially double the size.
But this design has come with a lots of technical hurdles such as its circuit board whether they have to use different internal Configuration or add a little bend to it. Samsung had an interest on this design through the years. And a Samsung Patent filing from 2015 showed the concepts of foldable device.

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Samsung Galaxy X - Finally Samsung announced about there upcoming Fold-able Device

Finally, Samsung announced about there upcoming foldable device which will be having flexible display that folds open into a 7 inch tablet....