Augmented Reality

An Augmented Reality is nothing but a computer generated image which superimposes into users view of the real world. Or in other words, augmented reality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical in real world environment whose components are augmented by sound, graphics, video, GPS data and many more. Augmented reality enhances ones view of perception, on other hand, Virtual reality replaces real world into animated or simulated world. Augmentation techniques are performed in real time with a somatic content on environment elements such as a animated cartoons going over from a stadium where players are playing match or a scoreboard over a match live feeds.

Augmented reality is to add computer vision to our real world or we can say that overlapping computer vision or computer generated image to our real world of life.


  • Ivan Sutherland was the first who invented First VR head  mounted display at Harvard University.
  •  Steve Mann who driven the concept of mediated reality in 1970s and 1980s with the use of cameras, processors, display system to modify visual reality of a person and help people see world in a better way.
  • Mike Abernathy made one of the first augmented reality application of video overlay using map data fro space debris in 1993.
There are more important Researchers like Steven Feiner, Tracy McSheery, S. Ravela, Francisco Delgado, Reinhold Behringer, Bruce H. Thomas, Wayne Piekarki, Mark Billinghurst who performed a really important role in making and developing of augmented reality and virtual reality . Above following 3 are the one who created the idea of augmented reality and virtual reality.

Still now they all are working upon this and developing. And This Device may be available in market in few years!!!!!

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